BMCB Institute of Nursing
BMCB Institute of Nursing Admission 2025The BMCB Institute of Nursing was started with B.Sc (N) in 2009. The College is affiliated to the Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University and is recognized by the Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi and by the Gujarat Nursing Council, Ahmedabad.
BMCB Institute of Nursing Information 2025
The Bhuj Mercantile co- operative Bank Institute of Nursing charitable trust has been work in since 10 years in kutch before the devastating earthquake of January 2001 to further the cause of education in Gujarat. The trust had been doing its charitable activities since its inception and before the earthquake in all the social fields. It has organized many functions, educational programmes and social gatherings etc. Kutch is remote area and having adverse climatic extreme condition and had a devasted earthquake killed the people 1000.If we would have got enough nursing and adequate medical facilities kutch would not have suffered this. To prevent further deaths due to natural and man-made calamities the BMCB charitable trust started to render its service to kutch. It was established by Mr.Mahendra Morabia managing trustee of BMCB trust, Lakhond, Kachchh-Bhuj. The trust runs school and health sciences. The trust felt that yeoman service should be rendered to the society by training nurses to meet the health need of the society; therefore the college of nursing was started with a four year B.Sc (N) programme. Subsequently in 2010 three and half year diploma nursing programme and two years leading to auxiliary midwifery nursing programme was started in 2012.
BMCB Institute of Nursing Advantages 2025B M C B College Of Nursing in Lakhond, Bhuj has a well-equipped clinic with all the modern equipment. The clinic has separate waiting and consultation areas which allow enough space for patients to wait conveniently at the clinic. Being a specialized Colleges, the doctor offers a number of medical services. The clinic is operational between 09:00 - 17:00. Payments can be made via various modes like Cash, Cheques.
Courses & Fees
B.Sc NursingDuration: 4 Year
Full TimeBachelor Degree
GraduationRs. 72000/- per year
Rs. 288000 Total Fees
Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM)Duration: 2 Year
Full TimeDiploma
DiplomaRs. 30000/- per year
Rs. 60000 Total Fees
GNMDuration: 3 Year
Full TimeDiploma
DiplomaRs. 55000/- per year
Rs. 165000 Total Fees
BMCB Institute of Nursing Faculty Profile
BMCB Institute of Nursing Facilities
BusCafeteriaComputer LabsHostelLaboratoryLibraryMedical
Contact Details
- Citi Square Township, BMCB Social City,, Lakhond, Bhuj-Kutch, Gujarat- 370105
Call Us Now
- 9825434909
Contact By Email
- info@bookuradmission.com
Hostel Fees
BMCB Institute of Nursing Hostel Fees
Rs. 8000
Rs. 8000